The Majolika Studio Collection stands for the continuation of a ceramic tradition in Karlsruhe and Germany and preserves ceramic techniques and knowledge for future generations. In the Majolika Ceramik Studio, ceramic works are created in cooperation with freelance artists and designers. High-quality works in ceramics are created here, from art in construction projects to prototype development and commissioned works.
Regular Open Calls ensure that a variety of innovative ideas are implemented. They are often developed in our projektraum Keramik, where the Majolika Ceramics Studio team provides support with their expertise and knowledge.

Inspiriert von Albrecht Dürers Aquarell, “Das große Rasenstück“ ist die Vasenkollektion „LAWN“ entstanden. Die neuartige Anordnung der Schnittblumen, vorgegeben durch die Ringform der Vasen, führt zu einem unkonventionellen Arrangement der Blumen.
Die daher erzeugte Tiefe der Schnittblumen zueinander lässt an eine Blumenwiese erinnern. Die Vasen der Kollektion „LAWN“ sind in Handarbeit entstanden, womit jede ein Unikat ist.
Die Produktlinie „Technoid“ ist entstanden durch die Neuinterpretation und Zusammensetzung von historischen Majolika-Formen.

Diese Produkte beschreiben den Prozess der Erneuerung und Veränderung, den die Majolika auf ihrem Weg von der historisch wichtigen Manafaktur zur neu geschaffenen Kulturinstitution durchläuft.
Design: Heike Niehle-Ochi
Wie versteht die Majolika als keramische Manafaktur die Zukunft der Keramikherstellung als Handarbeit? Was sind die Systeme und Methoden, die die Entstehung von kommerziellen Keramikprodukten ausmachen?

Dies sind einige der Fragen, die die Produktserie „Splash“ zu beantworten versucht. Indem wir unsere Oberflächen- und Glasurexperimente präsentieren und verkaufen, stellen wir grundlegend neu dar, was es bedeutet, eine Keramikmanufaktur im Kontext der zeitgenössischen Ästhetik und Design zu sein.
Design: Heike Niehle-Ochi
Culture is translated over time. The original meanings and traditions often get lost in this process. Tourism and marketing create a new culture which has its own aesthetic and logic, and so in a way the old is overwritten. However perhaps this is not a bad thing, perhaps this is a positive sign of society and culture progressing and adapting while still keeping the idea of tradition alive.

In this way 'Heimat, Lost in Translation' uses a poem from the 19th century by Ludwig Eichrodt and translates it through various languages and programs to create a new poem for the modern age. Snippets of these poems are printed on the beer mugs, with classic Schwarzwald icons being reimagined and iconagraphised.
Product designer Kim André Lange works with the multidisciplinary design studio collective 303 in the projektraum Keramik.
The unique shape of the vase is the imprint of the invisible force that governs our earth: gravity. Each vessel is made by hand and dropped from a height of one metre onto a solid surface. Creation and destruction are united in one object. The invisible force of gravity has been captured in a vessel.

At a time when humanity seems to have expanded its domain beyond that of nature, these vases reveal the hidden beauty of nature's power. The subtle and organic form reminds us how fragile we really are.
The task was to design a new series of house décor. But we felt that "new" was the last thing the Majolika needed right now.
So we had the idea to take on this task without creating anything new. Instead, we decided to corrupt the "old", reinvent an old story, and open the next chapter of the Majolika.